Lady Love

By Adam Snow

This article should begin with a disclaimer: in no way am I an expert on women’s health, nor do I claim to be. 

In fact, like many men, I find the topic to be pretty intimidating. Discussing female sexual health feels uncomfortable. And in the midst of an often-ignored social topic, the unattainable pressure of getting every bit of terminology perfect means that I would have rather avoided the discussion altogether.

That said, regardless of where we may fall on the gender spectrum, each of us has a sister, daughter, wife, or friend that we care about. These conversations – talking about sexuality, menstruation, STD prevention, or abortion – are essential to these women’s wellbeing. When we give in to stigma (or the belief men shouldn’t talk about these things), we lose a little integrity.

More importantly, we lose the opportunity to become advocates for the women we want to see thrive. That’s why we owe it to the women in our lives to welcome a discussion on sexual health, even if it is a little bit uncomfortable. That’s also why we should take it upon ourselves to seek out brands and products that reduce stigma and allow women to stay healthy and truly flourish. 

The Tightra, from Silk’n, is one such product. The Tightra is a vaginal rejuvenation device, built to relieve pain and dryness and restore libido, mitigating the hormonal effects of childbirth or menopause. 

The device, though it, at first sight, may resemble an ultra-futuristic vibrator, is quite the powerful tool. It restores blood-flow and tightens pelvic floor muscles by using Bi-Polar Radio-frequency energy, achieving results in just 4 weeks that previously could only be reached through reconstructive surgery (or a hell of a lot of pelvic exercises). 

Tightra replaces the need for awkward and costly clinic visits, instead, allowing women to restore self-confidence, control, and sexual satisfaction as a routine part of their everyday life. 

Statistics about this new product are strong. In trials, 70% of women reported improvement in incontinence problems, while a whopping 89% reported improvement in sexual functioning. Best of all, none of the participants reported any unexpected side effects at all.

In concordance with the Tightra, Silk’n have launched the Own Your Confidence campaign, enhancing the company’s dedication to improving women’s daily lives. The campaign has even partnered with singer and actress Michelle Heaton, who has taken the opportunity to speak out about her own previous issues with sexuality and confidence. 

“This device has really helped me personally,” says Heaton, “and I feel it can be so great for so many women out there who are going through confidence and sensitivity issues with their vaginas.” 

There’s something humanising about having a celebrity open up about their own struggles that aren’t so different from our own. Heaton’s testimony is a good reminder that these issues are faced by many women, and that it is our duty to empower the women in our lives to be their best selves in whatever ways we can.

Even writing this as a man may feel a little uncomfortable, but problems with sexuality are so often swept under the rug and ignored even if they are actually very widespread. We as men may well feel a little squeamish reading about these topics, but we are now not just more knowledgeable but more able to support the women around us we love.

In growing our awareness of products like Tightra and movements like the Own Your Confidence campaign, it becomes a little easier to do this. It is up to all of us to embrace sexual awareness and sexual needs for both sexes, and if we can sidestep that embarrassment and educate ourselves a little more then the world will be a happier and healthier place for us all.

The Silk’n Tightra is available from £309.

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