Radiant: I got 99 problems but my skin ain’t one

By Jo Phillips

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 19.49.23Skincare is something that we are told about regularly and there are a million wonderful lotions and potions on the market to help us retain our youthful glow. But of course with choice comes confusion and alas a conflicting set of rules for skincare.

This article certainly has no intention of going anywhere near the minefield that is skincare comparisons and the never ending list of health benefits, secret ingredients, collagen enhancing and elasticising mystical properties  that go with it. Furthermore we have no interest in dispelling any myths or creating a new set of rules that will guarantee you find the elixir of youth.

However,  when surrounded by such technically advanced options sometimes it is something simple and natural that becomes appealing in amongst the 100s of bottles and jars on the shelf.

New Organic Palmarosa Exfoliating Face Scrub  found it’s way into our hands and is completely natural and cruelty free and simply washes away dead skin.  Suddenly a nice simple option is there for a cleaner, brighter complexion and I may still have have 99 problems but my skin aint’ one.

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