Talking Without Speaking
By Shraiyash Uniyal
The power to communicate is mankind’s biggest advantage. The writings which have been passed through generations, the folklore we have all grown up listening to, and the traditional paintings and drawing that are revered in various cultures of the world. These are tools that have played a vital and uniting role in communicating with and among us. As times have changed, the medium of communication is also experiencing a renaissance. With digitalization and AI advancement in technology, visual communication in form of graphic design has managed to stay prominent; drawing something as old as time is still soo present. Using this fascinating tool of graphic design, Zabus and Nicoby have refreshed – Sophie’s World, a well-renowned publication from the 90s that talked about the history of philosophy. To know more about Sophie’s World continue Here in Talking Without Speaking.
Visual representation has been a prominent form of communication in many cultures around the world. It is believed that visual communication was prevalent even before writing was invented.
Cave paintings which even date back to more than 40,000 years are a great example that celebrates human interaction through visual communication. In the astonishing cave painting of Ajanta & Ellora in India or the well-renowned Caves of the Beasts in Egypt, every stroke on the wall silently tells a great story.
Visuals in books through graphics have played a key role in enticing its readers. The world of graphic design has the power to speak so much without even uttering a word. To know more about this world of graphic images and illustrations visit Graphic Insight.
A graphic designer employs effective elements, vectors, typography, and pictography that keep the reader deeply engaged. With such minimalistic, simple designs, it has the power to tell so many stories and address so many issues in a really swift, candid manner.
With the use of clean graphics and simple images, the world of graphic design can smoothly approach and address so many complex subjects. Sometimes it might get not only difficult but also sometimes a bit dull to convey many hard-hitting topics. Graphic design can seamlessly address the concern and also keeps the reader interested.
Philosophy is one of that subjects that might seem very complex to explain as well as understand. But with the help of creative illustrations and graphic designs, it has indeed become easy to express nuances of life and also understand its deeper meaning.
One such graphic novel that beautifully talks about philosophy is Sophie’s World. It was initially authored by Jostein Gaarder in the 1990s and introduced the history of western philosophy to the modern world.
Now revived by Zabus and Nicoby, the book is made in a form of a graphic novel, that deals with the story of Sophie, who stumbles upon a cryptic letter sent to her anonymously. Her pursuit to find the sender and her investigation eventually takes her through the adventures of the history of western philosophy. Sophie’s journey provides an interesting pathway to introspect and rejuvenate life through the lens of philosophy.
Sophie’s journey is creatively compiled into an interesting book with colours and designs. The minimalistic illustrations successfully transports the reader into Sophie’s world. The heavy use of bright colours keep the reader deeply enticed and engaged.
Jostein Gaarder’s this bestseller novel of ideas has already won the hearts of over 50 million readers across the globe, it’s back again in a new avatar bringing back Sophie’s enchanted, philosophical expedition to a whole new spirit. In this extensive witty graphic compilation, Zabus and Nicoby have rediscovered Sophie’s World and creatively adapted it for the readers of current times.
It is remarkable how graphic design is used so beautifully to address so many complex topics of taboo or concern. It very surreally addresses high-intensity subjects with intricate modulations without any effort.
To experience the adventures of Sophie’s World click here.
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