Radiant: Spheres Publication

By Jo Phillips

Spheres publication

The second issue of Spheres publication sees digital artist Rafaël Rozendaal collaborating with editor and graphic designer Philippe Karrer. The 100-page publication – complete with a hypnotising lenticular cover – explores everything surrounding Rafaël’s world in art and in life. It includes a Q&A session asking the artist a range of questions on his character, surroundings, every-day life, inspirations and ideas. Some questions I personally found to be particularly interesting are: ‘Does art exclude people?’, ‘What scares you the most?’, ‘Are you rich?’, and ‘How many friends do you have?’

Spheres publication

Vectors are one of the keys that enable digital artists to open up to a whole new world of possibilities. This leads as a subject of a lengthy conversation between two respected artists in the field: Rafaël Rozendaal and Jürg Lehni. The two even asked each other whether they have attempted to explain the complex backbone that builds their work to their mothers. Concluding the magazine is a full print out of comments to a short documentary on Rafaël hosted on YouTube – depicting the love/hate divide as to how the audience responds to his boundary-pushing work and modern art in general.

Spheres publication is published annually and limited to 1,000 copies only.


Rafaël Rozendaal is a contributor to .Cent’s Autumn 13 issue, The Cornucopia Issue, guest-edited by New York-based Dutch artist Sebastiaan Bremer.

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