Ratio; Swim
By Jo Phillips
Celebrity & Influencer Inspired Swimwear
More-often-than-not celebrity’s and influencers are seen wearing the latest trend or fashion. Which has gained credit and criticism alike. We’re going to tell you why we think it’s a great way to get a better idea of what your beach vibe will be, bikinis and swimsuits are at the top of the fit fo-par list…Besides we all need a blueprint and laser-precision to keep certain body parts from seeing the sunlight.
Everyone hates trailing through pages and pages of high waisted, thigh lengthening cut out swimwear with no idea how it actually fits or even what brand is best to buy.
Well with more and more celebrity’s taking the plunge and getting there best bits out it allows us to see what the swimwear looks like on someone who we already feel we know. Everyone secretly likens themselves to a celebrity or now with growing popularity the up and coming influencer so when you see them in something and it looks good it gives you a little push into confirming your purchase. Let’s face it for this small percentage of elite they have access to the latest styles, trends, designers and even are months ahead of what colour will be in fashion when. Which is Neon if anyone is wondering.
So whether you see yourself as an Ariana Grande or Meghan Markle you can safely say your sure to see them on the front of something or perhaps whilst scrolling through your instagram feed in a high cut, halter neck white ensemble and will be reassured that your not going to make a bad or dated swimwear choice.
Our best tips are keep a look out on Instagram as ever growing in popularity it gives the celebrity’s and influences the chance to showcase what’s hot and what not but also as they all now know the instagram army is a tough crowd to please so they have to be honest and detailed if they are wearing something especially when they have the intention of it being an advert.
So whether your curvy and wanting something more plus size or your simple wanting the classic triangle bikini we can safely say that a celebrity or influencer somewhere will be wearing one and usually it will come with where it was bought from but also how it fits.
Shop celebrity and influencer inspired swimwear at seximinx.co.uk