Anarchy: An Ingenious World

By Jo Phillips

Gazebo for Two Anarchists: Gabriella Antolini and Alberto Atolini, 1992. Installation view at Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. Gift of The Brown Foundation, Inc.; the Ralph E. Ogden Foundation, Inc.; Cynthia Hazen Polsky; an anonymous foundation; gifts in memory of Elizabeth Collens, and the Joseph H. Hazen Foundation Purchase Fund

Internationally renowned for his public-commissioned art work, Iran-born American artist Siah Armajani presents his works at the Parasol Unit, London this Autumn.

Rooted both in his own Persian culture heritage and his knowledge of Western philosophy, literature and poerty, Armajani’s work went through a lot of stages. Starting from a poetic use of Persian script, the artist later went into creating astute architectural models. Housed in some of the world’s most important museum collections, the Armajani’s sculpture seem to put more pressure on an idea than a function.

One of the artist’s works shown, “Gazebo for Two Anarchists: Gabriella Antolini and Alberto Antolini” is a tribute to Gabriella Antolini, an anarchist who at the age 0f 19 in 1918 was arrested and imprisoned in Chicago after been found with a satchel of dynamite. Constructed of wood and steel painted sculpture is, like all of his construction works, “Gazebo” is envisioned as open, available, useful and designed to be entered and used.

An Ingenious World is hosted by the Parasol Unit from 18th September until 15th December. For more information visit the Parasol Unit Foundation for Contemporary Arts website.

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