Fabric Hybrid
By Weronika Kusmider
Green initiatives are the way forward, especially in fashion. This is an industry, that is not known for good practice. However, there are some out there that should be shared. We all know how important it is to recycle, reuse or give away unused clothes or fabrics. By doing that we can help those starting their journey in the fashion industry.
Fabric Hybrid goes over the Alexander McQueen Fabric Donation scheme and how it inspires people to create projects using old fabrics and textiles.
Fashion is based on creativity and fabrics. Silk, cashmere, leather, we all have heard these names. Surprisingly, these are some of the most expensive fabrics in the world.
For anyone in the fashion industry, good fabrics are the foundation of their work. However, due to their costs, sometimes those starting their journey in the fashion industry have to settle down for what they can afford rather than what they want.
In 2019, Sarah Burton, Creative Director of Alexander McQueen, introduced the Alexander McQueen Fabric Donation scheme.
The Alexander McQueen Fabric Donation scheme focuses on giving away their unused fabric to fashion, textile and fabric students at universities, colleges and community education projects across the United Kingdom.

Sarah Burton said: “It’s our responsibility to extend our programme of practical help and encouragement to students and fashion schools (…). When times are so much more difficult for young creative people, taking action to share our resources and open eyes to opportunities has become a central in-house commitment at Alexander McQueen, which we all take very seriously.”

Additionally, to donating the fabrics, Alexander McQueen offers a variety of projects designed to inspire students of all ages. These are led by their specialist teams to deliver real-life knowledge of cutting, draping, pattern cutting, tailoring, textile construction, embroidery and collection research. Below, you can see an example of how you can create an Alexander McQueen inspired hybrid from unused fabric.
The aim of the Alexander McQueen Fabric Donation scheme is not only to equip emerging talents with free resources to realise their futures. They want to increase awareness of the need to underpin equal opportunities for young people in education. This is a great opportunity for those starting in the fashion industry as it can provide them with some of the best fabrics.
We hope that more fashion brands will start schemes like the Alexander McQueen Fabric Donation.
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Photos from ‘Multimedia drape workshop at the Alexander McQueen Old Bond Street second-floor education space for Manchester School of Art Foundation students using donated fabrics. 4th March 2020.’ Provided by the Alexander McQueen Press Office.