Forward for a Better 2021

By Jo Phillips

Moving into a new year provides us with many opportunities to think anew, to act anew, and to draw a line under the year that has just passed. You can be sure that many people will be looking for this opportunity come 2021, a year that follows one of extreme difficulty.

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There’s no reason to feel that we cannot shake it off. It might take time and energy for you to achieve, but moving forward and feeling your best, most glowing self is more than possible.

This can often be felt when moving into a new life milestone, perhaps when making good on a creative idea, or working through your pension sharing order, or deciding that yes, perhaps now is the time to re-enter the dating scene. What matters is your attitude, and your willingness to make the best of the situation you have, no matter how that compares to the life situation of another. This is a way of artistically designing your life, with an open mind and heart.

Let’s consider:

Accepting Your Needs

It’s important to accept your needs. Many of us have had to continually care for others in 2020, for obvious reasons, and that’s completely understandable and absolutely how we should act. Sometimes though, we can put everyone else above our own needs, and now and then, that might leave us feeling bitter or worn out. Don’t be afraid to put your own needs first. You might make a resolution to do that where necessary and appropriate this year. Don’t mistake how powerful this can be – sometimes it might be the main effort helping you move forward in gratitude.

Doing Something For Yourself

Again, we would recommend doing something for yourself this year. For instance, you might decide to invest in a wonderful experience such as heading on the trans-Siberia express with a video camera, or finally starting your YouTube channel, or writing more on your website. If you can do that, then you’ll no doubt feel more confident and more open regarding putting plans in motion you actually want to experience, perhaps even tackling your bucket list now you’ve given yourself the permission to do so. It can’t hurt, it can only help.

Figuring Out How To Improve

To feel our best self, we need to feel as though we’re moving towards a better self. This is how purpose operates, and it’s where we feel the best sense of happiness, that is in the journey and not upon reaching the destination.  For this reason, be sure to find a challenging project this year, one that tests you and helps you express who you are more readily. Odds are, this effort can help you grow in ways you might not have considered before. It really does make a difference, even if it’s starting small, like finally writing that short story of yours.

With this advice, we hope you can encourage your best and most glowing self in 2021.

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