Juice It
By Jo Phillips
Quick Facts about Fruit Juice that Juice Manufacturers and Consumers will Love
Image on left Image by Silvia from Pixabay
As a fruit juice consumer and a manufacturer, it doesn’t take much to convince you that fruit juice has plenty of health benefits. Unfortunately, fruit juice has gained a not-so-good reputation in recent days because many consumers believe it is loaded with sugar. But whilst this is true with many commercial fruit juice blends, what’s great is that other fruit juice manufacturers see the need for healthier beverages – and this is why they are stepping up their game and fulfilling the demand for healthier alternatives with only the natural sugars from the fruit. But you should know many other things about fruit juice – whether you are a consumer or manufacturer. So here are some quick facts about fruit juice that both juice manufacturers and consumers will love.
Fast facts that are both interesting and informative

- Recently, the government of the United Kingdom has recommended that UK consumers have a portion of a smoothie or fruit juice at 150 millilitres as one of the five essential vitamins and minerals people are advised to take each day.
- The average consumption of juices (particularly fruit and vegetable juices) in the UK is just 41 millilitres per day, which is just 1 per cent of a British person’s daily diet.
- As data from the UK government shows, a vast majority of children and adults in the UK fail to meet the minimum allotted recommendation of five fruit and veggie portions each day. It is particularly telling in the lower income brackets, as they tend to have poorer diets, especially when consuming fruits and vegetables.
- Fruit juice, as suppliers of fruit juice concentrate will agree, contains sugars – but they naturally occur, which means they are produced naturally by the fruit or vegetable. Along with this, fruits and vegetables also contain nutrients that are considered essential for better health, such as vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and folate.
- As surprising as it may be, fruit juices (almost all) have a low glycaemic index.
- Another surprising fact is that consumers of fruit juice (those who take it regularly or daily, whichever the case may be) tend to have a lower body mass index and body weight. In addition, they tend to have a smaller waist circumference than those who make it a point not to consume or drink fruit juice.
- It can be said that both children and adults who consume fruit juice regularly or daily eat fruit and vegetables in more portions (and more frequently) than those who do not consume any form of juice, fruit or vegetable or both.
- Also, fruit juice consumers ingest higher levels of essential nutrients for the body not found in fruit juices than do those who do not drink juice – in other words, those who drink fruit and vegetable juice tend to have healthier and more nutritious diets than those who do not drink fruit juice regularly.
- Of course, those with prior conditions (like diabetes) should consult with their doctors or a specialist before making fruit and vegetable juices a part of their daily diet because some fruits are naturally sweeter than others. For instance, they may benefit more from a combination of fruit and vegetable juices.