Love Flowers? Sketch In Bloom is your destination.

By Rebecca McNelly-Tilford

This immersive exhibition pays tribute to icons such as Alfre Sisley, JMW Turner and Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder by creating floral centrepieces, hangings filled with texture and reimaged botanical beings. Not only can you view an abundance of floral art and sculptures but you can get involved in workshops taught by Central Saint Martins trained artist Tony Green, as well as become a part of the art yourself with a ‘living portrait’ opportunity that honours Edouard Manet and his muse Eva Gonzalès.

The Reception room is titled ‘Rebel Rebel’ that reflects the florist Rebel Rebel who created the installation. This room features botanical wallpaper from Liberty, as well as 15 prints that showcase British-inspired paintings captured by masters at The National Gallery.

The Lecture Room and Library include a takeover of Lucy and Vail Floristy’s ‘Pastoral Inspiration’. This installation serves as a tribute to Alfred Sisley and his love for the English landscape and is a reimagining of his painting The Small Meadows in Spring.

The Glade ‘A Vision Under Vine’ by JarJar Flowers is a huge Installation inspired by colour, light and movement of JMW Turner’s piece Ulysses Deriding Polyphenmus, one of The National Gallery’s most prized treasures. This is also the first time JarJar is working with fabric artist Mia Sylvia.

The East Bar and Pods is transformed by award-winning artist and floral designer Yan Skates. Bringing people and painting together with his ‘Plant Beings’, this is curated by Artistic Statements. Taking inspiration from the Gallery’s A Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase by Dutch master Ambrosius Bosschaert The Elder.

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