Milanese Alphabet

By Jo Phillips

So the most famous Design fair in the world has just finished, Salone Del Mobile in Milan Italy. A return to the spring dates for the first time after the few years of covid destruction. The team designed new posters, especially for this season.; after all the visual is the core of all elements of great design. Find out more here in Milanese Alphabet

The new design alphabet, reinvented by the Leftloft studio and reinterpreted by Gio Pastori, consists of twenty-six brightly coloured posters, one for each letter of the alphabet, each featuring an archetypally-shaped furnishing piece, narrating the Salone and the objects around which the international design system evolved.

A Munari-style ABC, composed of absolute forms and brought alive by the use of light and pure, intense shades, responding to the question “Do you speak design?

A is for armchair, B is for bookcase, C is for chair, D is for Desk, G is for Gazebo, L is for Lamp, O is for Outdoor, P is for Pouf, T is for Table.

“M” and “S” dovetail naturally with the Mirror and Sofa icons. Until now, that is. In two entirely new, vibrant and joyous posters, these monograms take on new attributes.

In April, “M” can only mean the design city par excellence, Milan, while “S,” obviously, stands for Salone, the Italian headword that is synonymous with design the world over.

The accompanying visuals narrate an extraordinarily brightly coloured, happy city, giving off a sense of joie de vivre built on travel, stimulation and inspiration, in which iconic design objects feel at home and jostle to invent a new skyline that seems to explode with energy, forms, geometries and buzz. 

The extensive fair that ran from the 18th to the 23rd of April this year was immense and unbelievingly rewarding and .Cent over the next few days will bring reports directly from the fair and from around the city on new exciting talents and established brands with new ideas.

Find out more about the fair Here at Salone del Mobile

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