Student Pad

By Jo Phillips

Interior Design Tips to Turn Your Student Digs into a Trendy Pad. Moving away from home and to university is a big step in many student’s lives and one that many look forward to. With the application process complete, and your space at your dream university confirmed, the hard part is over with! While it is exciting to move away from home, it is essential that you are looking after your wellbeing, and this starts with your new home away from home. Ensuring that it is a comfortable, safe haven for you to relax in will contribute to your experience. If you are in search of interior design tips when moving into student accommodation, read on for more inspiration!

Finding the Right Accommodation for You

This is an integral part of the process when moving away from home, as this will be, as said before, your home away from home. As most students know, there are plenty of student digs to choose from, no matter which city you choose to reside in. While you are spoilt for choice, this can also make narrowing down the ones you want a bit more complicated, particularly if you have a few options that have taken your fancy. If you are struggling to decide on the student accommodation for you, consider using services provided by businesses like Omnia Space. They have numerous options available to choose from and can assist in your accommodation queries. For further information about their services and the accommodation available, head to their website.

Decorating Your Digs

Once you have found the right student accommodation for you, now is the time to plan out exactly how you will decorate the place! For some, this will be sticking up photos of school friends, who will be scattered across the country, while for others, this will be playing host to various plants. The choice is entirely up to you! For the most part, you will want to make sure that the room is well-lit, mainly through those dark winter months. Fairy lights and LED strip lights are a great way of brightening your room while contributing towards the atmosphere and aesthetic that you are aiming toward. You must remember to not neglect your bed, for this will be where you will spend a large majority of your time, especially after all those freshers’ events! Making sure to invest in some pretty bedding and a cuddly throw or blanket will contribute massively to your student digs’ interior design. Still, it will also provide an element of comfort, perfect for those lazy days, or when you find yourself longing for home.

When decorating your student digs, you must remember that you are slightly restricted for space, so you want to ensure that you are maximising the space you have available. Purchasing boxes that can be hidden under your bed or inside a wardrobe are a great way of keeping your room clean and tidy. They can also provide a great place to rest a lamp or other decorative piece if you choose to keep them out in the open.

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