Teach Your Kids English At A Young Age

By Jo Phillips

Teaching Your Kids English At A Young Age: How Busy Parents Can Save Time And Improve Their Child’s Learning

Parents wear many hats, particularly those who work. Even if you’re a full-time caregiver to your kids, you’ll still have lots to do, especially when they’re young.

Add in the pressure of trying to teach your children to speak English, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout!

English is a global lingua franca, and it’s often considered to be one of the most important languages in the world, with billions of speakers.

Also, for kids who’ve just moved over to the UK from another country, English is crucial for those who want to assimilate and be successful on this diverse island.

If your young children don’t speak English but are living or moving to England, then you have to help them understand the language while still managing to get everything else done.

Find TV Shows And Movies They Love In English

Using the TV as a babysitter is a tried and tested technique for busy parents. While you can’t leave young children alone in the house with the TV on, you can sit them in front of the set while you do other important household chores. To optimise their time in front of the television and ensure that they get the most from every minute of their screen time, you should find TV and movies that your kids love that are dubbed in English. You can use subtitles as a backup, or choose a show they already know practically off-by-heart, so your kids can follow along and pick up new words as they go.

Get Them A Place In An Immersive Summer School

Teaching your kids at home isn’t always easy, particularly if your own English isn’t perfect. Immersive programs are designed to teach English to kids, so consider exploring a summer school for kids that will help them to learn and have fun. A great option is the Skola summer school for 5- 17 year olds, which offers a fun and engaging experience and the chance to learn English while making great memories. Kids can then continue learning online after the course is over, so that your children can get the most out of their time at the program. Choosing an immersive learning program takes the pressure off you. It also means that you get to spend some kid-free time enjoying yourself while safe in the knowledge that your precious kids are getting the support they need to improve their English reading, writing and comprehension.

Play Word Games Together

To keep the learning going throughout the year and whenever your kids are at home, try playing fun word games with them. Word games, like hangman or rhyming games, are easy to learn, and you can even make them up yourself. You can tailor them to the age and ability of your kids, and yourself, then have fun playing with them. These games can be a great distraction when your children are bored too, so you can teach them and entertain them at the same time. Playing word games is easier than board games, as you don’t need to set up any equipment and then pack it away at the end. Most word games only require a pen and pencil, and if you pick a verbal game, you won’t need anything at all.

Sing Songs In English

Songs are another simple way you can improve your English and that of your children without having to do too much work. Popular kids’ songs, like The Wheels On The Bus, I’m A Little Teapot Or Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, are often sung in multiple languages, so you can sing them in both your native tongue and English to improve your children’s vocabulary. Songs can be sung in the car, bath or while waiting for dinner, so they’re perfect for keeping your offspring entertained and boosting their English skills at the same time. Like word games, you won’t need any equipment and can sing along with them, too, so you make memories and have a great time with your children as they learn.

Use Technology To Your Advantage

Technology is useful for many aspects of our modern lives, including learning a new language. Language-learning apps can help your kids to improve their English without the need for you to act as their teacher. There are language apps and software tools for kids of all ages, so you should explore the options to find ones that will benefit your children. Everyone learns differently, so explore a few tools using free trials or versions before you commit to one or two that you feel are the most effective. If you’re worried about screen time and how this might affect your child’s development, you can choose a gamified learning tool and then deduct the time your kid spends on it from their allotted daily playtime. This approach will help you to monitor how much time your kids spend using screens while still making the most of modern technology to improve their English language skills. 

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