Tech Now
By Jo Phillips
Tech businesses you can start now. If you’re diving into the idea of starting you own business, you may have delved into the idea of going down the route of technology. There are many reasons as to why tech this is one of the best avenues to go down, including it being an ever-evolving industry and a fast-growing market with many transferable skills. It is also important that you have the right financials for your new embarkment, as-well as your own business plan offering clarity and room to make future improvement as you go along. Images
Food Tech
Technology within the food industry includes the notion of purification with chemical fertilisers, pesticides, agriculture machinery and methods that include issuing mass production. With the use of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), technology can be used to modernise these processes.
Looking into courses into this area, such as Food Sciences, would expand your knowledge on this subject, so you can see if this may be the right career for you. There’s even online courses that you can do in your own time.
Web Design
One of the most popular and desired tech careers out there, as everyone who has a business (especially an e-commerce) wants, is a sleek-looking website design which reflects their brand. Common skills and services include: graphic design, copywriting, font-end/back-end engineers, UX and SEO.
Content Automation
On the social side of things, creating a tool that would help those in the industry would be greatly beneficial. Many businesses, brands and influencers are online and have several social media platforms to help spread awareness of their brand.
This means that thousands are producing content, if not more, every single day. Scheduling applications, such as Preview, Hootsuite and TweetDeck, come in very handy.
Artificial Intelligence
All the sub-categories mentioned above are ever-growing, as the consumer need is on the rise. However, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is more of a technology that has just come into industry recently, with further studies being conducted almost every day.
Examples of AI offering smart assistance, such as Alexa and OK Google, work on your very own smartphone and smart TV. Setting up in this particular avenue would not only open up many opportunities for yourself, but also grow your knowledge on this incredibly interesting subject.

It is important to understand that whatever avenue you choose to go down, you must remember you are at the start of your journey and things are bound to go wrong or seem difficult to understand. Don’t be afraid of failure and ask for help in order to get to where you want to go.