The Filler Trend: Esteem Boosting Or Dangerous And Unnecessary?

By Jo Phillips

Fillers are growing more and more popular. Click here to find out if they are genuinely esteem boosting, or simply unnecessary.

The Filler Trend: Esteem Boosting Or Dangerous And Unnecessary?

According to a recent statistic, as many as 900,000 filler injections are carried out in the UK each year, with 3 million people choosing to get dermal fillers in the US in the same time frame.

The question of “the filler trend” has been ongoing ever since the numbers spiked around 2020, with some people defending it for the increase in self-esteem, and others declaring it as dangerous and unnecessary.

So which one is it exactly? Why are more and more people deciding to get fillers, and is it something we should be concerned about?

Fillers As An Esteem Booster

The first thing to note is that this question isn’t exactly black and white. When people think about fillers, they tend to think about dermal fillers being used to add volume to lips, or smooth out areas around the chin, nose and jawline.

But the subject of fillers goes deeper than that. Over the last few years, for instance, there has been an increase in men using penis fillers.

While on a base level, penis fillers are used to increase the size of your penis, it is also an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

The effect it has on self-esteem cannot be ignored, either, with success stories attributing their new positive mindset, increased libido, and happier relationships directly to the P-Shot.

With this in mind, it’s fair to say that fillers can actually be an effective treatment – as many as 16.5 million men in the UK suffer from erectile dysfunction, and this often leads to an unhealthy mental state and a drastic loss of confidence. If penile fillers offer an effective solution to the problem, then surely that can only be seen as a positive.

The Safe Route

That being said, while penile fillers are utilised to stimulate penis rejuvenation, there are other fillers that do not have any notable health benefits, other than beautifying certain areas of the body. The question of whether they are unnecessary or not should be asked directly to the people who are choosing to undergo the treatment.

For instance, even for lip fillers, there are still notable cases of increased self-confidence and boosts in self-esteem from those who have received them. For those people, it’s unlikely that they will state that the treatment was unnecessary.

If fillers like this can lead to a boost in self-esteem and self-confidence, then – like penis fillers – it is hard to argue that they are unnecessary.

But that doesn’t mean that everyone should receive fillers if they want to feel more confident. It is still crucial to speak to professional, reputable clinics about the procedure and know all there is to know before a filler appointment.

That is where things can get dangerous – if patients do not go to qualified, fully trained experts in aesthetics. A procedure like this has to be done by a trustworthy clinic, who can talk through the pros and cons of a procedure and let you know their honest, professional opinion.

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