The Magic of Tarot Cards Revealed
By Weronika Kusmider
Every single one of us is on a journey. Most of our routines have changed since the COVID pandemic started. Regardless, every day we are getting closer to the end of the lockdown. We can take this as an opportunity to take a break and look forward to our future with hope again. A tarot reading can help us dig deeper into what the future holds for us. Keep on reading to find out more about Automated Magic of Tarot.
Most of us know about the Tarot, but do we know its history? Tarot was invented in the XV century, most likely in Italy. Firstly, the deck was used to play games, however, around 1780 it started to be associated with occult and fortune-telling. A standard tarot deck is made out of 78 cards, broken down into Major Arcana which represents a long-term situation we might expect and Minor Arcana which addresses what is happening now.

Leonora Carrington described tarot as an illusionistic game of personal search. This path of a unique myth intrigued Leonora to discover her own innermost tarot. A book that just came out, ‘The Tarot of Leonora Carrington’ shows how she connected her unconscious creative persona with what has been encompassed into multiple tarot books she used as a guide. Designs of the cards and colours of their background give us an inside into Leonora’s head and her understanding of each card. Her cards allow us to dig deeper into ourselves, discover things we never knew about our consciousness.

Did you know that in tarot, colours are connected to the Golden Dawn’s Rosy Cross? This cross represents the connection between a human’s body and consciousness. Moreover, it is used for spiritual protection. It attributes to such as Elements, Planets, Zodiacs, Hebrew alphabet and more scientific and spiritual factors that have an impact on us. Letters from the Hebrew alphabet are used on tarot cards to explain their connection to the elements.
Major Arcana focuses on The Fool and his journey. The Fool, no offence to anyone, represents us, a human being. The deck represents different elements and events which occur in our lives. During his journey, he allows us to meet characters from Major Arcana: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World.
Below you can find the meaning of some of the most powerful cards in Major Arcana.
The Fool
The most valuable card in the whole deck as it starts the deck and represents a human’s journey in life. Its blue background represents freedom and inspiration, and yes, sometimes we all feel like we are trapped in our lives as we are constantly busy, but we can pause for a second, we learn how to let that feeling go. We can manage our lives and thoughts and tarot, most definitely, can help us with that.

Copyright Estate of Leonora Carrington/ARS, New York.
The Moon
The Moon represents the need for clarity and understanding when we are caught up in our imagination. We all sometimes reminisce on our past, not thinking about how it affects the present or the future. Sometimes we wonder off for so long, we get lost in our imagination and cannot find our way back. However, if we ever get lost, we have The Moon’s light to guide us back. We just need to focus on one thing and let it guide us to a safe place in our mind.

Copyright Estate of Leonora Carrington/ARS, New York.
The Death
The Death is one of the most positive cards in Major Arcana. It represents a major change or transition into something new, something that we all might be waiting for. It invites us to close one door and open a new one and direct all our energy into this new chapter. We only have one life so why not just live it to the fullest?
The World
The World, as the last card in the deck, represents the end of a journey, completion and full understanding of ourselves. The ability to become a single entity of the mind and the body, feel the ever so wanted nirvana. It suggests peace and the highest kind of understanding, something we all want to achieve. It is hard to learn that one of the most important things is how to be at peace with ourselves, and that is what this, and all the cards in the deck, want us to achieve.
Leonora’s designs might seem simple, but if we dig deeper into the book, we can see the great attention to details and the meaning of the cards. Her passion and knowledge about tarot greatly connect her intriguing mind and art in a way that touches everyone individually.
The book ‘Tarot of Leonora Carrington‘ is now available to preorder here
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