Hair Today

By Jo Phillips

Four Things To Avoid After a Hair Transplant

A hair transplant can be an exciting process. Whether you have suffered from male pattern baldness for years or just want to create the appearance of fullness and thickness, a hair transplant can transform your mental as well as physical health. But with so much information to familiarise yourself with ahead of time, you must do your research. Continue reading to find out what you should avoid during your recovery process.


As with any invasive medical procedure, you should not drive immediately following a hair transplant. You must ensure a close friend or family member is available to accompany you to your operation for emotional support and to provide you with a method of transport both to and from the clinic. Hair transplants also tend to be performed under strong sedation. If you have been given a sedative, it is recommended you refrain from getting behind the wheel for a minimum of 24 hours.

Washing your hair

This may be an obvious point, but you should not wash your hair within 48 hours of receiving a hair transplant. After a couple of days, you may be able to gently rinse your hair under running water. You should not return to normal hair washing for at least a week. You should also take care not to scratch or irritate your scalp as this may aggravate your wounds and delay your healing process. If you want to achieve the best results, you must prioritise hair transplant aftercare and recovery. Your surgeon should be able to provide you with all of the necessary tools and information needed to streamline your hair transplant aftercare process.

Not staying hydrated

Staying hydrated is the key to promoting hair growth and ensuring your scalp remains healthy and flake-free. Drinking water should be an integral step in your daily routine but it is especially important before and after a hair transplant procedure. This can speed up the overall recovery process and prevent dryness. There is no universal rule, but most doctors recommended drinking at least eight glasses per day. Another good rule of thumb is half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should aim to drink a minimum of 70 ounces of water a day.

Sleeping on your front

The position you sleep in should be one of the most important considerations during your recovery process. Sleeping on your front can anger your scalp and slow down the healing process. You must avoid rubbing your head on your pillow or tossing and turning as this can jeopardise your chances of making a full recovery and permanently damage your hair follicles.

The recovery process of your hair transplant is just as important as the preparation process. There are several steps you should avoid to ensure your scalp heals as quickly and efficiently as possible. By avoiding driving, washing your hair, not staying hydrated, and sleeping on your front, you can streamline the entire process and prolong the lifespan of your hair. 

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