Nothing Like an Old Friend
By Jo Phillips
In times when the world is moving so fast, it feels hard to keep up. Is this may be why sometimes we go back to old favorites? To places, people, and things that give us a sense of comfort? After all, there is nothing quite like an old friend

Also when we look back do we look back sometimes to look forward? After all, history can teach us a thing or two. Just because our technology has moved on miraculously does not mean that history isn’t worth referencing
After all art, fashion, music, literature and even gardening all look back in order to look forward so why should it be different when it comes to creating new product lines?
Cosmydor is exactly that. Initially born in Paris in 1877, making soaps it was a hugely successful brand that was trusted but was also known also for its beautiful artwork. Revised recently by Xavier Quattrocchi-Oubradous who reinvigorated the company crafting sustainable and organic creams, balms, serums, and soaps for face, lips, hands and body skin.
.Cent sat down with Xavier and talked with him about how to go about reviving a sleeping giant. About bringing a product back to market in a way that keeps it relevant for today’s savvy consumer.

Explore the beautiful collection from Cosmydor here
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