Passing It On…
By Stacey Potts
Through generations, you often see families passing it on. Not always a business as such, but often the skills associated. Their entrepreneurial spirit or creativity spills on to future family members who, just as enthusiastic as their forbearers, create empires or diverse businesses of their own. Here we look at a handful of families whose creativity and business acumen has all been about passing it on down the family line.
Roos and Roos – The mother and daughter combo
Putting themselves out there, are the mother and daughter duo partnership, Chantal & Alexandra Roos. Their passion is women’s fragrances. Both ladies come with their own story. Chantal, a portfolio of working in the perfume business for decades and daughter Alexandra from a musical background. Together, they are the sweet owners of the beautiful niche perfume range, Roos and Roos.
Prada in the name of succession – Grandfather to granddaughter
Miuccia Prada has put women at the forefront of the namesake brand since 1988. Prior to their global success, the brand had only been a supplier of leather goods such as travel luggage and handbags. Miuccia’s grandfather who first started the company, despised women running his business and had envisioned his son taking over the company. But by a twist of fate, his daughter took the helm for thirty years passing it on to her daughter, Miuccia Prada. The mother-daughter duo together pushed Prada to become one of the world’s most known creators featuring on catwalks in Milan to exhibiting in London design museums.
Apart from this, the family brand has been an official supplier to the Italian Royal Family. Now, with her husband, the label continues to expand their designer wear and offers a supportive hand to other designer brands. They have large shares in Gucci, Fendi and Helmut Lang.
King dynasty – The Father and son novelists
In the literacy field comes the well-known horror and supernatural writer Stephan King. Known for IT, The Shining and Shawshank Redemption, some of his famous novels that have been adapted into films. Joining him in writing books for those that enjoy a bit of thrill, is his son Joseph Hillström King. Now, many might be familiar with Joe Hill, author of Horns, The Fireman and 20th Century Ghosts, but don’t always know he is the son of Stephan King because he writes under this pseudonym instead of his real name.
Some of his titles have gone on to win awards like the Goodreads Choice Awards for best Horror in the The Fireman. The pair have worked together on a novel titled, In the Tall Grass which was subsequently turned into a film.
Coppola film clan – A family tree of cousins and father and daughter connection.
Some parents really pass on their talents to their offsprings. Take for instance Francis Ford Coppola, director of the Godfather trilogy. A man who has been in the game since the 60s and is still considered amongst the greatest. Many from the Coppola family have been inspired to enter the movie-making industry. His nephew Nicholas Cage an American actor, his sister Talia Shire, an actress and his beloved wife Eleanor Coppola, a documentary filmmaker.
Down the bloodline of the Coppola clan, is Francis daughter Sofia Coppola who started off young. Seeing her father direct films propelled her to create films of her own. The result was instant. Her talent won her an Oscar for best screenplay in Lost in Translation and accolades for The Beguiled, one of Sofia’s latest project. She also won the best director during the Cannes Festival awards in France.
Dunhill from clothes to holistic treatments – A great grandfather and great-granddaughter story
As for a British family, what about the name Dunhill? Alfred Dunhill inherited his father’s bespoke leather goods company in 1893. Alfred saw his take over as a time to take advantage of the new interest in motorcars. Centered around the new man’s best friend, the company began making accessories and clothing targeted at motor owners.
Fascinatingly, Alfred Dunhill made history by inventing the first compact butane gas lighter. A man with history to his name he has spawned a family name that blossoms to the present day. The brand today specialises in luxury men’s clothing and fragrances with his great-grandson, Richard Dunhill at the helm.
Still within the family name, comes Alfred Dunhill’s great-granddaughter. Carrying the entrepreneurial skills of her great grandfather, she decided to create a niche company. She took to the beauty world after being inspired by her eldest son who had been using the CBD products for his anxiety.
Her name? Alexandra Dunhill. Interestingly, her products are all under the brand name of Lady A, centered around the cannabis plant and its’ medicinal qualities. Oil called Cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted and turned into health products like balms, capsules vapes and tinctures.
Tinctures in three different flavours
In her Tinctures range, she takes you on a journey from dawn to dusk. To start off with, are the morning tinctures. Bursting with flavours of citrus they help boost one’s immune system while decreasing any inflammation in the body. With two strengths of CBD, the Morning Tincture 750 MG and Morning Tincture 1500 MG either can become part of your morning routine.

Her three day-time tinctures, stick to the main ingredient, Hemp extracts and hemp seed oil. When a few drops are taken, the strong dose helps to restore the balance in the body. Available are Anytime Tincture 750 MG, Anytime Tincture 1500 MG and Anytime Tincture 2500+ .
Drawing you into the evening are the flavours of chocolate and mint, bringing a refreshed feeling. The evening range comes with a choice of Evening Tincture 750 MG or Evening Tincture 1500 MG. The chamomile, earthy taste of hemp seed oil and hemp extract provide a stillness, leaving you relaxed and ready for a great night’s sleep.
Bursting with a scent of eccentric ginger and lemongrass essential oils, the Everyday Healing Balm is there to lift up your day. The creamy chalk-white paste sinks into the skin creating a relaxing sensation that soothes irritating aches throughout the body.

Sinking into the body at a slower rate than the tinctures comes her Daily Fix Capsules. An oval shape olive green capsule which is a blend of matcha and rosehip oil. When eaten it provides a slow release of energy throughout the day.

Growing her range, Lady A’s is continuing to provide more options for women with the natural plant ingredients. Coming out soon are pen vapes that are easy to carry around featuring her signature, Lady A, in a gold foil finish. Look out for the Uplift Vape, Balance Vape and Unwind Vape .

Still looking for new products to try with interesting ingredients? Read Zelie Vandermeiren’s article Skin With-In-Out to find out what Valmont has been using in their products.