Talking skin: The Truth is Everyone is an Open Book.

By Camilla Iannucci

Life fluctuates and so do feelings and moods. As living is a symphony of millions of emotions, what mirrors it is our skin. Whether or not people are good at expressing how they’re doing, it’s our skin serving as a book for people to read the emotions of the day.
The skin functions as a biography of our deepest emotional mechanisms. The relationship people have with it can then be lumpy. Hence, taking care of it goes way beyond the boundaries of aesthetic, especially when it comes to handling frustrating skin conditions a lot of people are affected from.
Rosacea, one of those delicate skin conditions, translates itself into stubborn, evident redness. It is a long-term inflammatory skin condition that usually appears on the nose and cheeks, and symptoms typically swing. Rosalique’s newest 3 in 1 Anti-Redness Miracle Formula, is specifically formulated to correct Rosacea and those blemishes standing between the customer and its confidence. Read more on Talking skin: The Truth is Everyone is an Open Book.

It’s no secret aesthetics plays a huge role in this current society. It represents a priority for people with skin conditions, as their skin represents a delicate side of them. Driven by that awareness, Rosalique created orchestra of soothing ingredients, aiming to correct redness and unveiling the canvas of radiance beneath it.
It’s the idea that people’s first instinct is usually to conceal the issue instead of correcting it, to inspired the brand. The product, in fact, aims to correct redness whilst also soothing irritated skin long-term.

The emphasis then, is on creating a safe product people can rely on when needed. Rosalique, raises the standard as its priority is to donate the buyer results that last in time. Giving the chance to people to trust a product that will walk along with the customer through the intricate journey of skin healing.

Modifying the blemishes and redness can represent a way for people to learn how to appreciate the canvas of complexion.
Although confidence comes from within it can also manifest itself in our bodies in different ways. Powered by a micro-encapsulated formula of clinically proven ingredients, a-Bisabolol, Zeolite, Panthenol, Shea Butter and urea, the product highlights the idea of radiating confidence through the skin, setting people free from insecurities.

By indulging in this emotional, healing journey where self-love meets science, people learn to twist the downside of the vulnerability of Rosacea. As the skin exposes an otherwise hidden world of emotions, might as well do it proudly by sharing it, shining from the light of confidence.

The product is available on Amazon, in a 30ml format.
To learn more about Rosalique’s products click here.

I you enjoyed reading Talking skin: The Truth is Everyone is an Open Book, then why not read The Fabulous World of The Skin Geek.

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