The Colour of Love
By Jake Gloth
Love is a many coloured emotion, whether from a distance or close-up, a pair of lips is the catalyst; A man finds himself spellbound by the shade of her mouth daily; read here in The Colour of Love. Image on Left-hand side
He stood behind her in line waiting for his anxiety to settle. She received her cup from the barista and her coat gently but swiftly caressed his arm as she moved past him and found a seat in the corner of the cafe. The chair faced the night, and her face was illuminated by the vermillion “coffee” sign.

Dark, jet-black hair dropped down to her shoulders, contrasting with her pale complexion but in harmony with the darkness beyond the window. She removed her mask for a sip, revealing a dark, luscious shade of red on her lips.

He was mesmerized by the alluring matte colour. A scarlet daydream of daunting prospects with velvet consequences. He found himself lost in a cherry world of what could be if he simply mustered the courage to speak up.
His mouth opened in a desperate attempt to turn his fear into words, but the illusion is shattered by the man behind the counter. The bewildered barista asked him for his order for the third time. Like a deer in headlights, he was flustered and dazed. He fumbled an apology and shuffled out the door without a coffee or the girl
He went back in the morning—driven by the foolish hope she would return. The place was filled with many shades of lips, but none are the ones that transfixed him the night before. Anticipation and misplaced expectations implored him to wait, so he took a seat at the table next to hers. As the hours waste away, potential conversation starters drifted through his mind. Each one added to his self-loathing as they all involved speaking up the day before.
It was during this internal crisis that he failed to notice her glide through the door. She quietly and quickly ordered one for the road. It’s only when the door opens for her departure that he caught a glance at her profile.
She traded the deep and intense feelings of yesterday for a light sleek pinker red, matte glow emitting from her lips. He suddenly felt all the love in the world like an injection of dopamine into his brain.

He knew he would be chasing this dragon for the rest of his days. She was gone before he could catch his breath.
On the third day, he rose with newfound determination. He feels as if destiny has propelled them on a collision course that would succeed on its third way around. As he reached for the door of his flat, he saw a flash of himself in the mirror, and with this glimpse, all the doubt came rushing back in. Frantically, he tweaked and fluffed his hair to look worthy.
Now with a satisfactory appearance, he exited the safety of his dwelling for the uncertain streets. To his joy and dread, she was where he imagined her—sitting facing the window.
Today, her lips are painted a matte ruby orange. The tint was bright and intelligent like a Socratic lecture. The light of the noon sun on her face seemed to merge with her colour as if they came from the same flame.

In her hands was a book: Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaniel West. He walked past the cafe and down the street. The first four bookshops didn’t have it. At the fifth store, he hastily bought a copy and rushed back to her. Book and receipt in hand, he reached the cafe only to find that she had already left.
It was crowded in the morning. The coffee lovers spilt out of the small cafe as they impatiently waited for a cup. While they queued for the warm rush of caffeine, he searched for a far more potent fix. With such a numerous group blocking his path, he felt that his endeavour was in vain.
However, his reasonable analysis was benched by an unrelenting coach, hope. To the annoyance of many, he pushed through the masses. When he reached the inside, he was met by numerous lips, all of which were connected to faces that imperfectly resembled her.
He looked all around for the girl, but she wasn’t among the sea of pretenders. While drowning in this futile effort, a flicker of coral light caught his eye.

He spun around to see the source of this dark and deep matte colour, only for it to disappear amongst the crowd. He tried to pursue, but an agitated man decided to cease this pursuit of love in the name of orderly queues.
The embarrassment of the previous day severed his sense of destiny. He arose from bed to see the rain coming down thick and fast. Without regard for his appearance, he left home for the cafe, but this time, his expectations predicted nothing more than a hot beverage.
He rushed into the shop to escape the weather and went straight to the counter. Tired and thirsty, he fell into a chair facing the window with his eyes resting on the hot cup in front of him. He took a sip of the dark liquid and captured a glance of brown eyes across. She was sitting at the same table, facing him.
Her lips, a warm and inviting satin red like the sign that illuminates her face. The shade reinvigorating and captivating like the beverage he consumes, but neither the colour nor the coffee can compare to the warmth of the smile on her face.

The colour of love is a celebration of Chanel’s 12 new shades of long-wearing lipstick. The collection includes ROGUE ALLURE LAQUE, which is Chanel’s first lip cosmetic with a shiny satin finish, and ROGUE ALLURE INK FUSION—which consists of six new matte lip colours.

To find out more about Here. If you enjoyed reading The Colour of Love, you may find this piece Velvet Tonka Here.