UTILITY: Wim Wenders at the Kulturpalast in Düsseldorf
By Angelina Puschkarski

The German film director Wim Wenders has not only been admired for his work on the big screens but also because of his love for photography. Born in Düsseldorf (Germany) Wim has done major fine art works in the field of photography. In celebration of his 70th birthday this year the gallery Kunstpalast will open the exhibition “Wim Wenders. Landscapes. Photographs” featuring works of the director and amateur photographer.
Wender’s love for photography is at leeast as strong as his love for movies. He said in an interview that “Photographic work is the other half of my life” but with a differnece in his expression through the different media: unlike the film maker, the photographer Wenders dispenses with modern technological means. All images in the exhibit – about 80 large scale a difference in his expression through the different media: unlike the film maker, the photographer Wenders dispenses with modern technological means. All images in the exhibit – about 80 large-scale photographs and panoramic pictures – are shot in analog photography. Many of the images feature deserted places and landscapes.