Electricity of Touch
By Millie Winter
This year, holiday celebrations are going to start looking different than that of last year, in a quite delightful way. Last year, many were not able to celebrate with their loved ones due to the pandemic. This year sheds light on the sensation of home as we get the chance to greet and laugh with our families and friends again. After some months of quarantine, we have been missing the energy that comes with being around the ones you love most. That electric feeling that comes with embracing a hug with your favourite human. That rush of deep joy that comes from receiving that kiss from your partner. Human touch calms us down, it signals safety and comfort. Meet a brand that celebrates the importance of physical touch, Sun.day of London. Their candles, once melted, create a massage oil that can be used directly on the skin. Read more about the brand here in Electricity of Touch.
A single touch can induce the release of oxytocin, aka “the love hormone,” by activating the body’s vagus nerve, which is closely associated with our empathetic response. Touch is important to humans and even more so after so much time away from it, in isolation.
The Botanical Body Oil Massage Candle by Sun.day of London is a collaboration piece made of only natural plant ingredients and aromatherapy-grade essential oils. As you light the flame, scents of Rose, Roman Chamomile and Neroli are released.

Although the scent of the candle releases unique scents, that is not the only experience the consumer gets to enjoy, next comes the massage oil that is produced from the flowing flame.
“Our unique formula of nourishing butters and opulent oils work to moisturise, nourish and reconnect our minds and bodies,” said Sun.day of London.
This item brings about that electricity that comes with physical touch. Not only are you providing the room with fantastical smells, but you are also able to provide your body with the deep connection that comes with the natural oils the candle produces.

Utilising plant-based waxes, they have used a hand-whipped blend of healthful ingredients including mango butter, coconut butter, and jojoba oil to produce the candle. Once melted, it produces a hydrating oil that can be applied directly to the skin.
The past 18 months have not invited a lot of touch into our lives. Many have felt a lack of connection both emotionally and physically due to isolation. We can only hope that the world will slowly continue to return to normal because research shows that we require touch to thrive in life.
This massage oil candle respects such needs. Having the multitude of abilities that both pay tribute to revitalize the body through our sense of smell and touch.

The candle is inside an individualistic porcelain vessel that is designed by Ikuko Iwamoto in collaboration with Sunday founder, Natasha.
Just like the energy and power you feel as you enjoy a hug, this candle provides the enjoyable and essential sense of touch through its production of a natural massage oil after burning. Soothe the mind and the body.
If you enjoyed reading Electricity of Touch, why not check out Scented Boy Wonder here.
Images from Sun.day of London.